In 2008, Heath Ledger single-handedly redefined the way comic book villains could be portrayed on the silver screen. The movie, and the line, have hung around for more than thirty years, and are now part of one of the most highly-regarded gangster films of all time. “You wanna play rough? Ok! Say hello to my little friend!” before shooting a grenade their way through his locked doors. As the invaders close in on his secure room, Montana grabs an automatic weapon equipped with an honest-to-goodness grenade launcher and starts yelling at the attackers. In a scene that clearly influenced the Crazy-88s restaurant fight scene in Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill, Tony Montana (Pacino) single-handedly takes on an army of invaders sent to kill him in his mansion. RELATED: Scarface: 5 Ways It’s A Classic (& 5 Ways It Aged Badly) Despite the whitewashing of the casts (a trend that is now single-handedly killing movies), both movies featured intensely violent endings that irked critics and censors of their day. The original film starred George Raft as an Italian immigrant gangster.

Murray Abraham, Stephen Bauer, Robert Loggia, and Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio as Cuban immigrants and gangsters in a remake of a 1932 classic crime film of the same name. In 1983, Brian DePalma decided to cast Al Pacino, F. The film, with a huge budget of $3.85 million has so far grossed nearly $400 million at the box office, and that's without adjusting for inflation. It didn’t hurt it at the box office, however.
It took an amendment to the code only one month before the release of the film to prevent this iconic line from being censored. Despite the fact that silent films and even early talkies had made copious use of the word, censors strenuously objected to its inclusion in Gone With the Wind. In 1930, the Motion Picture Association passed a code that banned the use of the word “damn” in movies. This quote, which marks the end of Rhett’s dismissal of Scarlett after many long years of unrequited love almost never made the film. With an unheard-of running time of nearly four hours, it chronicles a decade of Rhett Butler’s (Clark Gable) amorous pursuit of Scarlett O’Hara (Vivien Leigh) amidst the backdrop of Southern aristocratic culture during the American Civil War. Victor Fleming’s masterful adaptation of Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind is one of the most memorable examples of pre-WWII American cinema.
Movie fans everywhere have been uttering phrases like the ones below since the golden age of Hollywood. Updated on December 2nd, 2020 by Zach Gass: T here are certain phrases from famous movies that have become so well-known and so reiterated that they have been permanently ingrained in our collective popular culture. RELATED: 10 Best 1980s Movies With 100% On Rotten Tomatoesįor the purposes of this article, we've defined a catchphrase as a short piece of dialogue that has become indelibly associated with a particular movie, character, or actor and exists in the public zeitgeist so that an average non-movie fanatic would know the phrase. They become part of our day-to-day speech, distilled from the screen into our culture.

Sure, that guy is an annoying jerk, but we all have those bits of dialogue from our favorite movies that stick with us, which catch on to our attention and follow us out into the world. You know, the one who only speaks in movie quotes - possibly only in movie quotes from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.